Equestrian Portrait Gallery

Portraits of you and your horse.

Your horse is one of the most important things in your life. Save those unforgettable memories by capturing them in a customized photo session designed to show everyone how much your horse means to you.


Do not give into inferior quality photography or service when Terri Cage Photography can deliver a lifetime of memories with affordable pricing to complement them.

Schedule as far in advance as possible. If you are wanting a weekend, they fill quickly. If you are flexible in your schedule, last-minute sessions are always possible

After scheduling the first step is to decide the type of session you’d like. We will start planning your session.. The location will be determined. We will discuss preparing your horse for a long session, as well as clothing choices that will complement you and your horse in the surrounding environment.. 

A few weeks after your session, you will visit our studio, where we will show you your best images and help you decide on your favorites. We will also help you decide the best ways to showcase your portraits with a large variety of products.

All collections include:

  • Pre-consult - clothing, locations, preparing for your session tips

  • Photography session with unlimited clothing changes

  • Premier ordering & viewing appointment

  • Digital image education

  • Social media sneak peek


Preparing Your Horse

Since sessions can last much longer than your horse's attention span, planning yoursession's timeline is just as important as preparing your horse.  Your horse will need breaks and a change of scenery.  You will receive a session guide that will give you tips on how to prepare.

Choosing Photo Locations

I find it best to photograph your session at the place the horse is kept or at least a place the horse is familiar with.  Some horses handle new and unfamiliar places well; some do not. You know your horse best and we can discuss that during your pre-consult. 

What to Wear

Clothing choices are one of the most important parts of preparing for your session. Keep in mind you’ll want to bring as much variety as possible. We encourage you to bring a lot of clothes. You may not use all, but together, we will choose the clothes that go best with the backgrounds and props you like.  All Terri Cage Equestrian sessions come with a what-to-wear guide and a pre-session consult to discuss fashion.