North Texas Senior Portraits | Bartonville Patriot with horses SeniorsTerri CageFebruary 24, 2025equine photographer, senior pictures, DFW_Senior_photographerComment
Owen | Frisco Texas Senior Portraits and Sportraits SeniorsTerri CageFebruary 23, 2022Terri Cage Photographyhigh school photographer, frisco texas, collin county TexasComment
Sam | Senior Session | Denton Texas SeniorsTerri CageAugust 10, 2020Denton Senior Photographer, prairie creek park, senior pictures in flowers, Plano, purpleComment
Jacob | Class of 2020 | Frisco Texas SeniorsTerri CageJuly 27, 2020class of 2020, covid, senior, guy, graduation, gown, cap, fountainComment
Kira | Argyle Senior Session with Her Horse. Equestrian, SeniorsTerri CageJuly 17, 2020senior pictures, horse poses, senior and dog poses, argyle senior photographer, Denton Senior Photographer, equine photographer, Equestrian photographerComment
Summre | Lakeside Senior Session SeniorsTerri CageAugust 21, 2019Equestrian, Trail Rider, Lake PhotosComment
Rachel and Her Super Cute Dog SeniorsTerri CageAugust 12, 2019Photos with your dog, UNT, College Gradtuate, Go, Go Mean GreenComment
Grace's Senior Pictures With Her Charolais SeniorsTerri CageAugust 2, 2019senior pictures, Senior and cow, FFAComment
Olivia's Senior Session, Lots of Pretty Flowers and a Beautiful Creek SeniorsTerri CageJuly 26, 2019senior pictures, Musician, Texas TulipsComment
Claire | Keller Senior Photographer | Flower Mound | Stone Creek SeniorsTerri CageJanuary 28, 2019keller high school, stone creek park, flower mound senior photographersComment
Caitlyn | Allen Senior Portraits | Horse and Rider Photography Equine, SeniorsTerri CageNovember 6, 2017allen, allen high school, allen senior pictures, horse poses, aleen senior portraits, mckinney texasComment
Emily | Liberty Christian | Argyle Senior Photographer SeniorsTerri CageOctober 30, 2017liberty christain, senior pictures, DFW senior pictures, Denton Senior Photographer, argyle senior photographer, equestrian portraitsComment
David | Senior Portraits | Prestonwood Polo SeniorsTerri CageSeptember 4, 2017senior portraits, polo, prestonwood polo club, argyle senior photographer, liberty christain, high school photographer, denton photographer, DFW senior pictures, horse human potrtraitsComment
Rileigh | Argyle Texas Senior | Equine Photographer SeniorsTerri CageAugust 28, 2017senior portraits, Senior Photographer, senior portraits with horse, DFW senior pictures, argyle senior photographer, argyle high school, paint horseComment
Hannah | Senior 2017 | Weatherford Texas | Equine Photographer Seniors, EquineTerri CageJuly 3, 2017horse photographer, senior portraits, north texas photographer, Equine photographer, quarter horse, aqha, dry river ranch, senior portraits with horseComment