North Texas Senior Portraits | Bartonville Patriot with horses SeniorsTerri CageFebruary 24, 2025equine photographer, senior pictures, DFW_Senior_photographerComment
Sale Horse and Conformation Photos in North Texas EquineTerri CageFebruary 22, 2022equine photographer, sale horse photos, horse conformation photoComment
Behind the Scenes | My Assistants Photography educationTerri CageDecember 30, 2020Terri Cage Photographyequine photographer, photography assistants, horseComment
2020 Christmas Wreath Sessions | North Texas Equine Photographer Equine, Equestrian, Horse ChristmasTerri CageDecember 24, 2020equine photographer, flower mound horse, Christmas wreath photosComment
Kira | Argyle Senior Session with Her Horse. Equestrian, SeniorsTerri CageJuly 17, 2020senior pictures, horse poses, senior and dog poses, argyle senior photographer, Denton Senior Photographer, equine photographer, Equestrian photographerComment
Reagan & Amber | Young Cowgirl Equestrian Session Terri CageMarch 19, 2020equine photographer, equestrain model, Equestrian, Equestrian photographer, cowgirl, equine commercial photography, horse productsComment
Byron & Storm | Equine Best Friends Terri CageJune 8, 2018best friends, equine photographer, appa, mini horse, minatiure horseComment
Bella & Bailey | Prosper Equestrian | Equine Portraits Terri CageOctober 13, 2017equine photographer, equestrian portraits, professional equine headshots, horse human potrtraits, horse and rider, young rider, welsh pony, black background, north texas photographerComment
Streakin Lil Wayne | AQHA | Barrel Racing | Stallion Promotion Terri CageOctober 2, 2017stallion promotion, stud, equine photographer, barrel raceing, standing at stud, texas, rodeo, barrels, roan, bay roan, stallion headshot, libertyComment
Kristen, Reggie & Katniss | Equine Photographer | Cave Creek Arizona Terri CageJuly 11, 2017Equine photographer, Scottsdale AZ, Cave Creek Photographer, equine photographer, Desert photo, desert photo sessionComment